Sound In Public Spaces
The presence of everyday noises, designed sounds and music in public spaces has been the subject of scrutiny for cultural historians. How do we register these sounds and how do we react to this daily sound collage? Do we want to actively control it – and if so, to what end and whose job would this be? And, might it perhaps be better to simply let the world sound freely?

Thomas Macho, cultural scientist and philosopher, Professor of Cultural History at Humboldt University in Berlin. Cooperation in exhibition projects at the Dresden Hygiene Museum. Publications on voice, weather, the history of time calculation, the cultural history of the relationship between humans and animals, and the aesthetics of the monstrous. Macho writes articles for Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Die Zeit and other print media. Numerous book publications, e.g. "Kulturtechniken der Synchronisation" (Fink 2013) and "Zwischen Rauschen und Offenbarung. Zur Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Stimme"(Akademie Verlag 2002). Lives and works in Berlin and Linz.