Noise and Sound In Visual Art - Some historical examples
With selected examples of images, art-theorist Glasmeier investigates sound and noise in the seemingly silent imagery from early Renaissance to Baroque painting. The musical evocations of this experimental period were made possible with the dramatic strains to the boundaries of perspective space, the depiction of emotions with a sense of the audible and the consequent theatricality of painting. The sounds evoked equally connect with intellectual contemplation and erotic physicality, subsequently challenging the viewer to step into the sound space of the painting.
Michael Glasmeier, art theoretican, essayist, curator and Professor of History and Theory of Art at Hochschule für Künste, Bremen. Author of the radio play “Kaputt" (1970). Various exhibitions, e.g.: “Samuel Beckett/Bruce Nauman" (Kunsthalle Vienna, 2000) or "Diskrete Energien", exhibition and catalogue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Documenta (Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, 2005). Publications on the subjects of narrating, forgetting, artists' records, criminology, silliness and visual poetry. Lives and works in Berlin and Bremen.